Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Thank You For Your Support (Comedy)

In my opinion, sometimes the stars of certain movies get all of the credit, while the supporting characters do most of the heavy lifting of the movie, just to get over looked for their hard work.  So I thought I'd put the spotlight on these integral pieces of the movie puzzle for once.  Here are some of my very favorite supporting characters from some of my favorite comedies.

Wooderson Dazed and Confused (1993)
Perhaps Matthew McConaughey's best role and finest performance--although, that is saying very little.  In fact, it took me about four viewings of this movie before I realized it was actually McConaughey.  You have to love a character that is so direct and so laid back/high/drunk.

Mike Damone Fast Times at Ridgemont High (1982)
Is he a douche bag or is he a genius?  Probably a little bit of both, if you ask me, but he truly means well. Damone is Ridgemont's resident scalper, part-time bookie, sometimes ladie's man, and wanna be philosopher.  He also steals just about every scene that he's in, too.

Booger Revenge of the Nerds (1984)
The man's an animal--he's crude, he's a crook, but he plays a mean guitar and is quick with the comebacks!  But, I'd kill for the man's belching ability, his access to wonder joints, and his t-shirt collection!

McCroskey Airplane (1980)
Sure, the man has his vices and picks the most unfortunate times to try and quit them--like smoking, coffee, booze, amphetamines, and maybe even a little airplane glue, but damnit, he get's the job done, doesn't he? 

Cousin Eddie National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation (1989)
Has there been a bigger imposition on one's family in movie history?  He may also be one of the greatest supporting characters ever created, as well.  He has that perfect blend of classiness and cringe-worthy comments that only a distant, inbred family member can give you.

Judge Smayles Caddyshack (1980)
It was hard not to put Al Czervik here, but the late great Ted Knight was really on top of his game here!  Was Judge Smayles the most pretentious movie character ever? He's pompous. He's an elitist. He's racist. He's a cheat. He's smug.  He's a poor sport.  But he did have an enduring relationship with his grandson Spaulding! So he had that going for him, which is nice (I couldn't resist, sorry).

Trent Swingers (1996)
Definitely one of my favorite movie characters of all-time--even if it's just Vince being Vince. Trent said and did things that we all wished we had done and said--although, I'm sure that I have been even more obnoxious when I've been shit canned before!  Besides Jeremy in Wedding Crashers, what other movie character would be half as fun to go have a drink with?  However, I'm not sure that I'd want to play Sega NHL Hockey with him--he cheats!

Long Duk Dong Sixteen Candles (1984)
So he can't hold his liquor--he's still a nice kid!  Think about all that he accomplished in that horrible outfit!  He comes to a new town, he doesn't speak English all that well, picks up a chick at the dance, and parties like a rock star all night.  That's a career man...in any league.

Ray "Bones" Barboni Get Shorty (1995)
Dennis Farina has made a career out of playing hilarious supporting characters, hasn't he (see: Midnight Run and Snatch)?  In Get Shorty though, he really out does himself!  He's the perfect inept, hard-ass ganster to Travolta's cool, calm Chili Palmer with some hilarious exchanges between the two.  (Rooster, have you seen this one yet??)

Chet Weird Science (1985)
Hands down, the only real asshole on my list.  He extorts his own brother for God's sake!  He's a jerk to his brother's best friend.  And it's very clear that the man cannot take a joke!  Still, he's one funny, sadistic bastard! And I love it!

Honorable Mentions:
Honorable Mention #1
Honorable Mentions #2


  1. I'd like to add a few of my own:
    -Frank "The Tank" Ricard (Will Ferrell) OLD SCHOOL (2003) I think it's Will Ferrell's best role by far.
    -Marvin Dorfler (John Ashton) MIDNIGHT RUN(1988)This movie never got the credit it deserved. I still think it's a hidden gem. Dorfler and Jack Walsh are great together.
    -Morris "Mo" Wanchuk (Brad Sullivan) SLAP SHOT(1977) Mo steals the show in my opinion. "I know a good bar called the Palm Isle....fucked the bar maid last time. She came up to me without saying hello..."
    -Lou Brown (James Gammon) MAJOR LEAGUE (1989) "Knock that shit off!"


  2. Marvin Drofler - great call!
    I'd like to add Ralph(Danny DeVito) in Romancing the Stone. Scene Stealing Galore!


  3. I got two words for ya - Professor Turgeson


  4. there it is. you're stewed butwad! bw

  5. love honorable mention #1 and #2!!!!! bw

  6. "I'm worried about Lou, he might lose his trigger finger."

