Thursday, January 14, 2010

OVER-rated (clap, clap, clap) OVER-rated! (Part 1)

Like Fast Eddie Felson said, "I'm Back!" And I'm here to address one of my very favorite movie topics to discuss with you guys--Overrated Movies.  Here are my #'s 6-10, with 1-5 to follow soon.

10.) Donnie Darko
I have seen the movie 3 or 4 times, and it still makes little sense to me.  This film makes a lot of people's list as a cult classic, but I will argue to the death that just because a movie makes no sense, doesn't necessarily make it "brilliant."  Having the always strange Jake Gyllenhaal in the lead doesn't help either, but I get the feeling that nothing would have helped this flick except maybe a re-write or 12.  Parallel universes, worm holes, a guy dressed up as a rabbit, and Patrick Swayze?  I'm shocked that it all didn't make more sense to me.

9.) The Royal Tennenbaums
It doesn't help this movie's case any that I fucking hate Wes Anderson and pretty much his whole body of pretentious work. Maybe I'm just not articulate enough (which is a solid argument) to grasp the hysterical concepts of Gwyneth Paltrow stoically smoking, Ben Stiller and kids wearing the same Addidas sweat suit, and Owen Wilson sporting a cowboy hat for two hours.  Or, just maybe I'm articulate enough to identify a pretentious piece of shit when I see one.

8.) Blade Runner
On paper it should be an absolute slam dunk.  Great cast. Great premise. Great special effects.  And then the movie begins.  Why, for the love of all that is holy and sacred, does every critic heap praise upon this movie?  What is so special about it?  I've seen it three times (which was really 12 times when I had to pause it and come back to it because it is so fucking boring) and I still don't get it.  Anyone?

7.) Brokeback Mountain
I'm convinced that every critic had no choice but to pile on the praise for this movie because it was the pc thing to do.  God forbid someone give this movie what it really deserves (2 stars--one for each of Anne Hathaway's beautiful sweater puppies shown in the film), or has any criticism for this movie at all.  Sure the movie's less than subtle sex scenes between Ledger and Gyllenhaal made me want to poke out my eye balls with my soda straw, but that isn't the reason that I thinks it's overrated.  I think it's overrated because it is an ordinary movie that critics claimed was extraordinary simply because of its subject matter.  Now, get Kristal Summers and Lisa Ann for Brokeback Mounting and I'm all in!

6.) No Country For Old Men
I admit that I am not a fan of the Coen brother's movies except for Fargo.  Quite honestly, I was really excited to see this flick.  And for 2 hours of the movie it delivered the goods.  As for the last 15 minutes of this movie?  Joel and Ethan Coen can shove it up Cormac McCarthey's (the author) ass, as far as I'm concerned.  Again, every critic in the free world praised this movie as a masterpiece and totally ignored the disappointing shitty ending.  The protagonist/Josh Brolin dies, off camera mind you, Tommy Lee Jones talks to a guy in a wheel chair, the villian gets into a meaningless car wreck and walks away from it, and Tommy Lee Jones explains to his wife that he had a couple of dreams--fade to black.  What is the result?  The Best Picture of The Year Award--makes perfect Academy Award sense.

Coming Soon: My Top 5


  1. Brokeback Mountain....I see your still bitter about going to see that movie on your man date with Kev. Talk about uncomfortable silence.

  2. I have no idea what you are referring to.
