Thursday, October 29, 2009

Second Half Adjustments

One distinguishing characteristic of a great movie is being able to sustain it's strength from start to finish.  A lot of movies get off to a strong start and keep that momentum throughout, while others tail off significantly during their second and third acts.  Some movies, in my opinion, can still be classics even if their second halves seem to pale in comparison.  Here are some of my favorite examples of this occurring in movies:

Scream (1996)
To be completely honest, the first 5 minutes of this movie scared the shit out of me.  You knew that you weren't in for a run-o-the-mill slasher flick when they off a star like Drew Berrymore in the first 10 minutes. The movie pokes fun at all of the cliched horror films or yore, but by the the middle to end, it becomes just plain laughable--and maybe that's the point.  It doesn't help that I despise Matthew Lillard, and this movie marks the onset of my hate affair with that mope.
First Half: 3.5 stars  Second Half: 1 star

Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy (2004)
This movie definitely "had me at hello."  The first half is pure genius--great concept, solid cast, with many funny, quotable scenes: The Sex Panther scene--"60% of the time it works every time," and "Discovered by the Germans in 1904, they named it San Diego, which of course in German means a whale's vagina." That's some good shit right there!  Then, inexplicably, it takes a wrong turn here and never seems to get back onto its original path--for me anyway.  In my opinion, if this one kept up it's torrid first half pace, it could've been a true comedy classic, but unfortunately it didn't, in my estimation.
First Half: 3.5 stars  Second Half: 1/2 star

Stripes (1981)
It has taken me many years and numerous viewings of this movie to come to terms with this, but I can no longer deny it anymore. The movie's cast of characters is fantastic: Bill Murray, Harold Ramis, John Candy, Judge Reinhold, John Laroquette, with Warren Oates (SGT. Hulka) & Conrad Dunn (Psycho).  The movie's story is great, but it almost seems like the writers had just enough material to get them past basic training, and then they didn't know where to go with the story. I think that the route that they chose to take of action/comedy was a poor choice to take, but I still love this movie in spite of it's flaws. 
First Half: 3.5 stars  Second Half: 1.5 stars

Return of the Jedi (1983)
I know, I know, this sounds like blasphemy, but that doesn't mean that it's not true.  Be honest with me and yourself, if I gave you a choice of either watching Star Wars, The Empire Strikes Back, or Return of the Jedi--wouldn't Jedi be third on your list?  I don't blame George Lucas, I don't blame the actors, I don't even blame the story (although it has some flaws)-- I blame one thing and one thing only.  That's when the movie ends for me personally.  How do you follow up two brilliant, and somewhat dark films with such a weak, all too kid friendly third installment?  I didn't get when I was 10, and I don't get at 36.
First Half (Before the Ewoks): 4 stars  Second Half: 1 star

Full Metal Jacket (1987)
This film is the poster boy for this topic, isn't it?  I'll be completely honest, after Private Pile shoots himself, I switch the channel. I have tried to watch the second half, but it feels like I'm watching a much inferior film, so I always abort the mission. Now, I have never been a Stanley Kubrick fan, and obviously I never will be since he's been taking a dirt nap for quite awhile now, but the first half of his movie is superb. Has there ever been a better casted drill sargent than SGT. Hartman?  Sure SGT. Hulka and SGT. Foley (Louis Gossett Jr. in An Officer and a Gentleman) were great, but R. Lee Ermey's performance was pure perfection.  And, sadly, that's where my praise must end. I simply have no interest in the second half of this film, and it's a shame because this really should have been a 4 star movie.
First Half: 4 stars  Second Half: 1 star

1 comment:

  1. So, I finally logged onto this and what a great topic to first review!!! I agree with all of the above and Full Metal Jacket would be number one... Could not agree with you more than Matthew Lillard; he is the most annoying actor I have seen. I would also have to throw in From Dusk til Dawn (first half up to the vampires was good, but then, like Scream, got laughable - 1st half = 2.5 stars; 2nd half = 1 star) and Interview with a Vampire (1st = 3 stars; 2nd = 1.5; Pitt annoyed me a lot and when Cruise was out of the movie for a while, it went down hill). There are a lot more, but those are two that I could think. This is awesome and I will definitely be back - Take care, Chris K.
